Tori Yarbrough Stone
Life Coach

Tori Yarbrough Stone


Interview with Tori Yarbrough Stone

Happiness is Natural

Tori Yarbrough Stone,
Life Coach

Below is an interview conducted with Tori Yarbrough Stone regarding her experience and current practices as an Option Method Practitioner. For any other questions or to contact Tori, please call (970)391-7778 or Contact Us.

How and why did you become on Option Method Practitioner?

"In 1984 a dear friend gave me a book on the Option Method. At that time in my life I had done some personal growth, but myself and my life were still a mess. I cried through the entire book realizing that Option was what I had been looking for my whole life. It offered a simple and gentle method for literally troubleshooting my own life. It spoke to something deep within ... as if it was something I knew was true but had forgotten."

"Within a year, feeling compelled to dive in, I began studying to be an Option mentor at the Option Institute in Massachusetts. Between being a program participant, taking advanced mentor training, and doing work-trades to further my studies and hone my expertise, I spent nearly a year there. Following that, I continued my education and training under Mandy Evans, another one of Bruce DiMarsico's original students of the Option Method."

"The more I learned about Option and it's philosophy, and the more beliefs I let go of, the lighter and freer I became. The paradox for me was that while Option offered great and much needed compassion for myself and my life so far (the message being that all my choices, feelings and behaviors have always logically followed from my beliefs), it also empowered me with the tools to revamp my belief system and create the life I truly wanted - namely, a happy one. By accepting and loving myself unconditionally I came home to myself. My life became the manifestation of respecting, appreciating and trusting myself in a deep and abiding way."

"Option was my salvation and my passion. I naturally wanted to share it with others. Then, witnessing my clients "taking back" their lives served to fuel my enthusiasm that much more."

"Since 1986, I have also put a lot of energy into researching many aspects of beliefs: beliefs and the mind, beliefs and perception, beliefs and health/disease, beliefs and productivity, and beliefs in other cultures. Currently I offer the Option Method directly with dialogues sessions, and as powerful tool in my practice as a Life Coach."

How can I got the most out of a dialogue with you?

"Be willing to believe you have your own answers, AND that you can and will find them . Try to hear the questions with a sense of innocent curiosity; which is the way I ask them. Be as fearless as you are able."

How long are your sessions?

"I schedule dialog sessions for as long as my client wants. Although some explorers choose to do marathon sessions (2-3 hours), the majority request 1 to 1½ hours."

What kind of people have you worked with and what issues have you dialogued with others on?

"I have worked with people from all walks of life including university professors, veterinarians, engineers, domestic engineers (work at home moms), real estate brokers, teachers, health care professionals, salespeople, computer designers and technicians, and "at risk" adolescents. It always boils down to the same thing ...they all just want to be happier."

"Issues (areas) clients have explored include: career, money and finances. parenting, divorce and other transitions, school, test taking. relationships, health, self-esteem, creativity, body image and eating disorders, addictions and the recovery process, spirituality and freedom."

"I dialogue with individuals in person and over the phone (often long distance). Both seem to be effective. In addition, I offer introductory classes, ongoing classes, and individual mentor training. Feel free to call me for more information on classes."

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